Day 2 of Your 7-Day Healthy life | weight loss diet | muscle gain diet

 7 Day Plan For Healthy life — Day 2 

7 day diet plan

Day 2:Feeding Your Body

Well done on getting Day 1 out of the way! Out on the diet is difficult, but you did it. Keeping the momentum rolling on Day 2 and dialing in that balanced nutrition. This meal plan stresses the need for diversity in your food so that you have a gamut of nutrients. Each small step is still a part of the journey to healthy living.

Why Day 2 Matters

Taking yesterday to lay the foundation, today is all about adding in more fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. This will not only give you a good dose of essential vitamins and nutrients but also going to keep energetic in whole day. Let’s get started!

Greek Yogurt Smoothie at Breakfast

Start your day with a cool, healthy smoothie Mix 1 container of Greek Yogurt (for protein and pro-biotics) with a handful of mixed berries (Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries for anti-oxidants. Better yet, throw in a banana for all-natural sweetening and top it off with just 1 tablespoon of chia seeds to deliver fiber and heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids.


An easy preparation is to freeze berries and a banana in baggie together for smoothie packs. Come morning, dump the fruit in a blender along with some Greek yogurt and chia seeds for an instant breakfast smoothie.

Lunch: Turkey & Avocado Wrap

Choose a whole grain wrap containing thin cuts of turkey, avocado, lettuce and a spread of hummus for your lunch. Turkey is packed with lean protein, while avocado provides the healthy fats necessary to keep you from getting hungry soon after eating. I used store-bought hummus for the creamy texture and a bit more protein from chick peas.

Wrap It Up

Swap a flour tortilla for an alternative whole grain wrap or tortilla to increase fiber. For some added crunch, throw in cucumber slices or bell peppers into the mix as well

Meal Prep Inspiration

You can make the wraps a day or two ahead and store them wrapped in foil, but they are best served fresh. Note: Add the avocado just before eating to keep it from turning brown.

Snack: Carrot Sticks with Hummus

It may not sound like a gourmet option, but the ideal snack would be carrot sticks with hummus. Carrots are a good source of beta-carotene, fiber and antioxidants whereas hummus is chickpeas based healthy dip made with tahini (sesame seeds butter), olive oil and few spices.


Portion your hummus. A portable, portion sized tub of hummus is two tablespoons and works well with a medium carrot.

Grilled Chicken Breast w/ brown rice and asparagus (Dinner)

Dinner is a meal that should replenish your body and keep you balanced. A grilled chicken breast is a source of lean protein and can be served with complex carbohydrates such as brown rice. Asparagus is a low-calorie, nutrient-dense vegetable.

Tip 👩🏾‍💼

Rosemary, Thyme & Garlic Now the Flavor Kind Chicken Williamsburg Raleigh The most admirable part of Grilling is now imprint Immediately Copyright Infringement Goings to.. This provides flavour with minimal extra calories. Top with a dollop of avocado and sprinkle on some flakey sea salt (roast the asparagus -drizzled w/ olive oil, sprinked w/ course salt- until tender)

Hydration: Staying on top of it

The rest of today, keep chuggin that water. Digestion, absorption and transportation of nutrients are dependent upon water. If possible, drink a lot of water and have water bottle close to you for throughout the day.

Stay Hydrated Hack

Add some citrus fruits, berries or herbs like mint/basil to your water—if you can't stand plain H2O— for a lighter taste profile.

The BEST Brain Exercise – How to Reflect on Your Day

Ask yourself how you are feeling at the end of each day. And, Are you eating the things that bring joy to your taste buds? How are your energy levels? Come away with answering these questions so that you can already prepare for the next quarter.

Bottom Line

Use your Day 2 as a springboard towards better health and wellbeing. A cover sticking with healthy decisions even when you do not want to, in the name of standing by commitment requirements. While it is time to move on, remember that balance is the key and continue exploring new foods/flavors. Great job you got this!

< Day 1

If you want to start full seven day diet plan then you can see my first day here below link will take you to the first page of seven day plan link 🖇️

That concludes your DAY 2 guide. Stay tuned for the goodies we have in store on Day 3 starting tomorrow. Until then keep the blows hot!

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